For my presentation I haven't put to much thought into how the structure will be so I don't know witch method will be most useful as I haven't used any of the ones we talked about in class. Right now the one that seems most interesting to me is prezi, where i can go in multiple directions talking about my research for topics for or against student-athletes. I don't know where i will put my primary research in the presentation but once i start making it, i feel that everything will work its self out like always.
  • Is there any order that our drafts should be put in?
  • Do we need a reflection for every individual draft or just that assignment?
  • How many tabs should we have?How creative do we have to make it in order to get full credit?
In 1991 the NCAA established a rule for time management for collegian athletic departments. This rule stated that the maximum of athletic participation per day was 4 hours and 20 hours per week during in-season. While off-season was 8 hours. These hours included practice, competition (which is always 3 hours, no matter the real time), meetings, and watching film. The NCAA also stated that an athlete shall not miss any classes due to practice unless they are traveling for an away competition. However these rules were not being monitored very tightly and coaches were surpassing the maximum.

Coaches, athletes, and the college in general have sport teams and try to be the best in the nation. Football for example, has the national championship for the top 2 division-1 schools. The teams that play in these bowl games and championship games generate a lot of money for the school and team. Therefore to be the best, a lot of time has to be put in in and out off season, so coaches go over the maximum of 20 hours per weekend sometimes double it.

Due to the excessive time spent on athletics some departments for academics and athletics encourage students not to take certain majors and to take other easier ones. More time put into athletic related events shows less time spent with academic related events. With less time given to academic tasks, poorer performance is shown and GPAs lower. Excessive time spent on athletics can impact an athlete in choice of major, GPA, interaction with academic faculty, social interaction, and other non-athletic pursuits. However with all these results students were surveyed about their time management and reported lies, whether they didn't know the information or if coaches informed them about the 20 hour rule, the athletes said they didn't put that much time into athletics. When questioned about their overall impact from participation in athletics on their academic career, 53 percent responded positively, 20 percent responded negatively, and 27 percent responded that it had no impact.

I am feeling that the word student-athlete is turning into athlete-student, where the coaches and athletes are putting athletics before academics just to be successful in sports. Rather than the other way were the student should pursue their own major and try to graduate with a good degree and not fail classes due to athletic reasons. This article made it seem like athletics are hurting students academics instead of improving even though 50% said it helps improve them. I think coaches and the departments need to start enforcing the 20 hour rule more or be punished because academics need to be the priority.

Ayers, Kevin, Monica Pazmino-Cevallos, and Cody Dobose. "The 20-Hour Rule: Student-Athletes Time Commitment To Athletics And Academics." Virginia Journal 33.1 (2012): 22-26. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. Web. 23 Feb. 2013.
Dear Carrie,

I am interested in writing about student athletes and whether it is an advantage or disadvantage of being an athlete while trying to keep your grades up as a full time student. This topic interests me because I have been involved with sports all through my life and participated on my school team in middle and high school. Now that I am in college and I am not part of a team, I am interested to research if it is worth my time to try and walk on to the track team at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I love to compete and I have a lot of spare time on my hands that I am looking for something to fill in. I know many people on sport teams at UNCC and other colleges that talk about how great the experience is. I know one girl who just walked onto the track team for UNCC last year and says that I would be a great fit for the team here. My main question is, will being a full time student and athlete help my GPA or make it worst? My priority first is to get good grades so that I can graduate with a degree to get a good job.

I know people on football, cheerleading, basketball, track, and soccer and will be able to talk to all of them to see what a typical daily schedule looks like across each sport. I will find out how much time is spent with practice versus how much time is spent with studying. I hear that athletes tend to get special treatment with studying to help them keep grades up. And as of now I feel like being an athlete will improve grades because you have that extra push to motivate you to make good grades. When your on a team there is a minimum GPA that the athlete has to maintain or they can not participate in events, so the coaches and other staff enforce and encourage their athletes to study and keep up grades. For me I go to classes in the morning then have all this spare time the rest of the day but usually I waste it and not study instead procrastinate and fall behind on assignments. I feel like with the motivation of coaches and teammates, and the consequences of suspension athletes tend to have better study habits and time management skills. However, being an athlete also take up a lot of time and tires the body making it hard to concentrate in the classroom. This path may lead to a failure in the students grades by going to practice then falling asleep because they are tired instead of studying for a test or getting their mind set for a game rather than focusing on an exam. With knowing many people that are student-athletes some walk-ons and others on scholarships, I should be able to interview them and research to find out if being a student-athlete is an advantage or disadvantage for grades.

Sincerely, Brandon Napier
What do you propose as a solution for these issues in the education system?  What needs to happen?  Who can make the change?  What is the responsibility of the students and what is the responsibility of the teachers?  What is your part in all of this?

The past month we have read many articles relating to the education system and the flaws it has. Instead of talking about change, we need to do it and actually make a change. Students go to school because they are forced to and they don't care to be there. Teachers come to school because its their job but majority of them do a horrible job because the students do not participate and they are on a low budget so they think why put the effort. America's motto is "no child left behind," which can not be true because no child is the same and everyone has different abilities. With the millions of new kids attending school every year, there is no way they all will learn and be able to retain the same general information. To begin a change in the system, everyone needs to change their attitude. The students need to learn that school is a privilege and want to come to school everyday to learn; while the teachers need to take advantage of their job and teach the information as well as they can and help students gain the knowledge to advance. A solution to the system with all fully participating is instead of moving everyone at the same pace with general information; we need to find each kid's interests and strengths and put them into classes accordingly. The students are there to learn not sleep, and what would be better than to have them interact in real world jobs that interest them. I feel like k-12 gives us a general knowledge which we need, then college helps us find our job. It would be better to learn what we want to do in the future based on our interest and strengths through interaction in the field in k-12. Then when college comes we will be able to excel in our major. I know elementary is to build a basic knowledge but once we get into middle school, the students strengths and weakness come out and interest start to prevail. That is when we need to have seminars and career fairs for students to learn what they will help impact the most. Then high school will be researching on what jobs they found appealing through middle school, and last will be college help giving you the degree for a job.
Brannon's article "The Five-Paragraph Essay and the Deficit Model of Education" explained how students learn how to write "proper" through school with the original five paragraph essays. We were taught and told that this was the most important way to write an essay through middle and high school and that if we mastered this method, writing would be easy. This method makes us run into many writer blocks with all the constraints and doesn't allow students to write freely or express thier opinion. This format says you need to have a strong thesis staement with 3 main ideas and supporting details. Most essays especially in high shool need to be certain lengths which makes students put in stupid supporting sentences to help make it longer. The five paragraph essay was praised through school by teachers but ooutside of the classroom it will probably never come back with importance rather we will express our opinion.
In Paulo Freire article of "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" he talks about flaws of the educational system and compares two different methods of learning, the commonly used banking system and the problem-posing education. Freire goes off in saying that most use the banking system which lacks creativity and freedom, which doesn't help teach the students rather than fill them with information. While he glories the problem-posing education where no one has authority and everyone (teachers and students) is there to learn off each other.

I'm going to have to agree and disagree with Freire on his criticism on the banking system. Freire states "The student records, memorizes, and repeats these phrases without perceiving what four times four really means, or realizing the true significance of "capital" in the affirmation (Freire 3). This excerpt is true in some subjects such as math and history. The students go to school to learn and the teacher’s job is to teach. In math, most problems have one solution and only one way to solve the problem. And when teachers give tests its based on what they have taught not what the student wants to learn. When the student studies for a test, they know that the way to get the best grade is from writing down what the teacher says and memorizing that method for the test.

The student comes to class based on what they have learned in previous years. With the education system of "no one left behind" and a standard procedure of lesson plans, students are learning what they need to succeed. No one can learn all material and when the system is free for learning off each other in one class then the next year when you’re in a different class no one will be on the same page. Because your knowledge comes from previous years, we need a standard for all to learn. And the teachers are suppose to know the information and present it in the best way to the students who are suppose to be unfamiliar with the material.

I will say that there are good and bad teachers out there who may excel their students or leave them falling behind but that is when the students need to step up and help themselves. At least at my schools we have always had extra help such as tutoring or other methods of learning information. Teachers should be engage with the students to find out where they stand and when its not a very good teacher the student needs to do something about it rather than go on with the year. As with Mike Rose he kept going on with his schooling rather than seeking help and fell behind until late in his high school career he got a good teacher that helped him succeed.

Mike Rose's article "I just wanna be average," was very interesting to me. I remember reading a couple of articles by Rose last semester in English 1101 and found that is work is very educational. I thought he was a guy raised in a great school and gained the best education, but this article changed my perspective on what he had to go through in his life with vocational education. It was intriguing to hear how teachers used the paddle and beat kids back then. I feel like if I was about to get hit by a teacher that I would work a lot harder in school. It was also interesting to hear how kids were pretending to be bad to fit in, such as acting high, which in return made teachers feel like hell and not teach to their potential. It was cool how one teacher help changed is thought about school in his final years of school by his teaching philosophy. I can relate, in which other people such as teachers make a big impact on the students life. For me I had many teachers throughout my life with some positive and some negative, but all effecting my thoughts on education and what i wanted to do with my life.

"Your attention wavers. You wonder about other things: a football game, a dance, that cute new checker at the market. You try to focus on the problem again. You scribble on paper for a while, but the tension wins out and your attention flits elsewhere. You crumple the paper and begin daydreaming to ease the frustration (Rose 7)." This quote from the article explains me and probably every other student very well when taking boring classes and long tests. I go into class wanting to do my best and try to succeed but it usually doesn't happen. Most courses are mandatory and generic which is boring, rather than classes I have an interest in and something that I will pay attention to. When even reading this article or just solving some problems in a math class, I lose interest real quick and think about other things in life that I enjoy. I'll plan on what I'm going to do after class or the up coming weekend and by the time I know it the teacher is saying time is up and I have nothing on my paper to turn in. I feel like school needs to be something that we want to learn and interest us. And for teachers, they are very influential on the students and they need to want to teach and love their job. Having the enjoyment in teaching and learning will help generate better education.